"My mission is to help rejuvenate body, mind and spirit through acupuncture and massage to restore balance and achieve serenity.

Live Well Love Much Laugh Often


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Long Time

It's been awhile since I posted last.  I moved my office to South Lake Union and absolutely love it.  I am no longer in a cave of a treatment room.  I have a wall of windows and soo much room.  Yes I even danced around with all of the space.  I've been here for 3 months now and love just being here and present in my space.  It doesn't hurt at all that the building overlooks the water.  My room doesn't have a water view, but doesn't matter since the blinds are drawn anyway.  I can keep an eye on your car in the parking lot! :)

Some other changes...I have online scheduling that is absolutely fabulous.  Now you don't have to wait for a call back, just look online to what is available and book it.  It is instantly confirmed and the calender runs in real time so no delays or waiting for a confirmation email.  Saturdays are closed until my regulars book their times.  If spaces are still free, I open the day to whomever wants it.  

I have added a shop link on my website through Amazon.  There are a few product recommendations listed on there.  I also started a small retail area in the waiting room.

I love feedback of what you like and what you don't.  I also love testimonials.  I need to add some to my web site.  I thank you for your time reading and your continued support.  

Hope all is well and enjoy the summer that we are finally having.
Live Well
Love Much
Laugh Often